
Gembird HD15M/HD15M

Cable VGA Premium 30.0m, HD15M/HD15M Black, dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core cable…

Cable VGA Premium 10.0m, HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core cable, blister

Cable VGA Premium 10.0m, HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core cable, blist…

"Cable VGA Premium Extension 1.8m, HD15M/HD15M Black, Gembird, w/2*ferrite core, CC-PPVGAX-6B -"

"Cable VGA Premium Extension 1.8m, HD15M/HD15M Black, Gembird, w/2*ferrite core,…

Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-15

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 5.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF-USB2…

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF-USB2-AMBM-10

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF…

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 5.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF-USB2-AMBM-15

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 5.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-6

93 lei

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 1.8 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, CCF-USB2…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-10 Premium quality USB2.0 extension A-plug A-socket, cable 3 m,with ferrite core

186 lei

Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-10 Premium quality USB2.0 extension A-plug A-socket, cabl…



186 lei

Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-6 Premium quality USB 2.0 extension A-plug A-socket cable…

Cable VGA Premium Extension 3.0m, HD15M/HD15F Black, Gembird, w/2*ferrite core, CC-PPVGAX-10-B-

Cable VGA Premium Extension 3.0m, HD15M/HD15F Black, Gembird, w/2*ferrite core,…


Gembird CC-PPVGA-10B Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 3m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core 3m cable, black

260 lei

Gembird CC-PPVGA-10B Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 3m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core 3…


Gembird CC-PPVGA-5M

223 lei

Gembird CC-PPVGA-5M Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 5.0m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core …


Gembird CC-PPVGA-6B

233 lei

Gembird CC-PPVGA-6B Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 1.8m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core …


Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-15M-B, 15 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core, Black

446 lei

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-15M-B, 15 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferri…


Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-10M-B, 10 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core, Black

307 lei

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-10M-B, 10 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferri…


Gembird CC-PPVGA-6B

186 lei

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-6B, 1.8 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMBM-10

186 lei

Cable USB2.0 CCF-USB2-AMBM-10, Premium quality, 3 m, USB 2.0 A-plug B-plug, with…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-10

186 lei

Cable Extension USB2.0 CCF-USB2-AMAF-10, Premium quality, 3 m, USB2.0 A-plug A-s…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMBM-6

181 lei

Cable USB2.0 CCF-USB2-AMBM-6, Premium quality, 1.8 m, USB 2.0 A-plug B-plug, wit…

Cable USB AM-BM 1.8m LANBERG (print) with Ferrite core Transparent CA-USBA-12CC-0018-TR

Cable USB AM-BM 1.8m LANBERG (print) with Ferrite core Transparent CA-USBA-1…

CCF-USB2-AMAF-10 USB-2.0 Extention Cable A->A, 3.0m, with Ferrite core, Black

CCF-USB2-AMAF-10 USB-2.0 Extention Cable A->A, 3.0m, with Ferrite core, Black

CCF-USB2-AMBM-6 USB-2.0 Cable A->B, 1.8m, with Ferrite core, Black

CCF-USB2-AMBM-6 USB-2.0 Cable A->B, 1.8m, with Ferrite core, Black

CCF-USB2-AMAF-6 USB-2.0 Extention Cable A->A, 1.8m, with Ferrite core, Black

CCF-USB2-AMAF-6 USB-2.0 Extention Cable A->A, 1.8m, with Ferrite core, Black

Gembird CCP-USB2-AMBM-15

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 5.0 m, USB2.0, High quality with ferrite core


Cable USB, AM/BM, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, Transparent…


Cable USB, AM/BM, 1.8 m, USB2.0 Premium quality with ferrite core, Transparent…


Gembird CCF-USB2-AMAF-TR-0.75, Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 0.75 m, USB2.0 transparen…

Cable USB, AM/BM, 4.5 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, CCF2-USB2-AMBM-15

Cable USB, AM/BM, 4.5 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, C…

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 4.5 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, CCF2-USB2-AMAF-15

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 4.5 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core…

Cable USB, AM/BM, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, CCF2-USB2-AMBM-10

Cable USB, AM/BM, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, C…

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core, CCF2-USB2-AMAF-10

Cable USB, USB AM/AF, 3.0 m, USB2.0 Gembird Premium quality with 2 ferrite core…

Premium HD15M

CC-PPVGA-10-B, 3 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core, Blac…

Gembird CCF-USB2-AMBM-6

Gembird CCF-USB2-AMBM-6 Premium quality USB 2.0 A-plug B-plug 1.8m cable with fe…

Gembird CC-USB2-AMAF-75CM/300

Gembird CC-USB2-AMAF-75CM/300 0.75cm USB 2.0 extension A-plug A-socket cable wi…

Cable USB mini CCF-USB2-AM5P-6, Premium quality, 1.8 m, USB2.0 A-plug MINI 5PM, with Ferrite core, Black

Cable USB mini CCF-USB2-AM5P-6, Premium quality, 1.8 m, USB2.0 A-plug MINI 5PM, …

Gembird CC-PPVGA-10M-B Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 10.0m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core 10m, black

Gembird CC-PPVGA-10M-B Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M 10.0m dual-shielded w/2*ferrite c…

Gembird CC-PPVGA-20M

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-20M, 20 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite …

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-5M-B, 5 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core, Black

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-5M-B, 5 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite…

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-10-B, 3 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite core, Black

Cable VGA CC-PPVGA-10-B, 3 m, Premium VGA HD15M/HD15M dual-shielded w/2*ferrite…

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 3.0 m, USB2.0 SVEN, PRO - Gold flash plate w/2ferrite cores

Cable USB, A-plug B-plug, 3.0 m, USB2.0 SVEN, PRO - Gold flash plate w/2ferri…