Sisteme de răcorire

Thermal Paste be quiet! DC2 (3g, >7.5 W/m·K, -20°C to +120°C)

Thermal Paste be quiet! DC2 (3g, >7.5 W/m·K, -20°C to +120°C)

Genesis Silicon 700

Genesis Silicon 700 Thermal Paste, Density 1,6 g/ml (at 25°C), Viscosity 15000 …

Thermal Paste be quiet! DC1 (3g, >7.5 W/m·K, -50°C to +150°C)

Thermal Paste be quiet! DC1 (3g, >7.5 W/m·K, -50°C to +150°C)

Cooler Spire SP-700 Silver grease Thermal cooling paste, thermal interface for your heat sink (0.5gr)

Cooler Spire SP-700 Silver grease Thermal cooling paste, thermal interface for …

DeepCool Z9

Deepcool Z9, 7g

Spire SP-700

Thermal Paste STARS-700, 0.5 gram, Silver based thermal-grease in syringe