Backpack Bag PROWELL SDC217881~2 Pro DSLRs with attached lens ( up to 70-200mm f/2.8), 3-4 extra lenses, a flash unit and accessories (memory cards, cables, battery and charger) plus a laptop up to 15

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Backpack Bag PROWELL SDC217881~2 Pro DSLRs with attached lens ( up to 70-200mm f/2.8), 3-4 extra lenses, a flash unit and accessories (memory cards, cables, battery and charger) plus a laptop up to 15

Backpack Bag PROWELL SDC217881~2 Pro DSLRs with attached lens ( up to 70-200mm f/2.8), 3-4 extra lenses, a flash unit and accessories (memory cards, cables, battery and charger) plus a laptop up to 15 Тип: Рюкзак Применение: Зеркальные фотоаппараты Количество внешних карманов: Да Цвет: Чёрный Размеры: 31.5 x 29 x 49 cm Прочие: отсек для ноутбука с диагональю до 15", плечевой ремень